Complaint form

You can use the contact form below make a complaint.

Are you a buyer or supplier?

Select one option.

How should we contact you?

Select one option.

When should we contact you?

Tell us about your complaint

Do not include:
  • personal or financial details, like your credit card details
  • any data that could potentially identify a specific individual, such as names

You can enter up to 3000 characters

You can upload a file to support your query. If you wish to do this, the file must be smaller than 10MB

Have you contacted us before? (optional)

If you have contacted us before you will have received a case reference number. Your case reference number will begin with a 0 and will be 7 digits long. It will be on all emails from our customer service team.

To find out how we use your data, you can read our privacy notice.
Once you submit your details, you will receive a confirmation email to let you know your case reference number and next steps.

Talk to us

You can also contact us by email or phone

Telephone: 0345 410 2222

When calling our customer service centre, be ready to give: your name, job title, organisation, email and any relevant framework numbers or departments.

CCS customer services team is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.